Canadian and US e-filer Do not leave home. File your taxes remotely & stay safe from Covid19.
Fees for Income Tax Preparation
The following fees are estimates only and subject to change without notice. For an actual upfront quote please contact our office.
“Basic” return means a tax return with no business or rental income, no capital gains or losses and up 12 tax slips (T slips).
prices are in Canadian dollars plus applicable sales tax.
Out-of-town clients pay the cost of shipping documents to and from our
office in Kitchener, Ontario.
Sample approximate fees:
- Basic Canadian T1 return: $95.00 (single), $175.00 (couple)
- Self-Employed return (one business statement completed and provided by client): $175.00
- Rental income return (one rental statement completed and provided by client): $175.00
- T2 Corporate return, financial statements completed and provided by client: $550.00
- GST return: $175.00
- Section 216 Election return (one rental statement): $450.00
- Form
T2062/T2062A preparation, requests by Canadian non-residents for a
“Certificate of Compliance” from Canada Revenue Agency when disposing
of Canadian real estate: $550.00 - Prior-year tax return adjustment, correcting for additional tax slips $75.00 (existing clients only)